Download Chapter 1 of Tom Lawrence's book "Highly Effective Teams" for FREE. This will help you in leading & growing your team into a highly effective team of leaders. By the end of this chapter you will know what the foundations of a highly effective team are and you can start to implement these foundations right away.
Tom is the author of leadership books and personal growth books "Manager To Leader", "A Limitless Mindset", "Influence is Leadership", "The Team Player" and "Highly Effective Teams."
Tom's Mantra - Lead, Grow, Influence
Tom's Why - To develop current leaders and future leaders into highly effective leaders, so that they can develop current leaders and future leaders into highly effective leaders.
Tom's Vision/Just Cause - He can see a world in which our leaders create environments that focusses on people and helps them to learn to lead, grow and increase their influence for the good of us.
Tom has worked as a leader all over the UK, and has the experience & mentorship/coaching skills to help you grow as a leader and how you can inspire your people to be their best.
He will help you to become the leader your people need you to be. To help you become the leader the world craves you to be. To help you become the best leader YOU CAN & WANT TO BE.
Don't miss the opportunity to learn from a Highly Effective Leader like Tom Lawrence.
Highly Effective Teams shows you how to develop your people, so they are good enough to leave, but treat them well enough so they don’t want to.
As you go through this book, you will learn that leadership development is still required for leaders of teams no matter how long they have been in the position.
If you don’t want your team to resist you then you need to involve them, and sharing this book with them is a great start.
As you go through this book you will begin to understand that a team leader needs to identify the leaders within their team, so they can multiply your influence and continuously improve the culture for you.
As you are growing and developing your team to be their best, you need to keep growing and developing yourself to be your best. Tom will help you with this.
Follow these steps and you will KNOW what your role is as a highly effective leader who leads & grows a highly effective team. The more you improve yourself, the better off your team will be.
Chapter 1 of "Highly Effective Teams" is FREE for you to DOWNLOAD NOW!
Tom Lawrence is so pleased that you are taking the right step towards growing your highly effective team.
© Highly Effective Leader 2025